Get to training early and perform a dynamic warm up along with a few stretches to loosen up your muscles and get the blood flowing. This test is part of the FitnessGram and Brockport Test battery. Comparision of the PACER Test 15m & 20m Levels and Speeds.
The conversion chart to assist converting scores on the 15m PACER to a 20m score. This is to simulate carrying the heavy equipment you will have to take with you on deployments. In order to prevent injury and to prepare your body for the beep test, make sure you’re taking the time to warm up your body. 15m Bleep Test a shorter version of the beep test Related Pages. The march involves carrying an evenly distributed weight of 20kgs. The Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) test is a variation of the Beep Test, and is part of the FitnessGram and Brockport test batteries. Everyone who joins the Air Force will first need to pass an Operational Fitness Test (OFT), which involves both marching and push-ups to test both your core fitness and dexterity. The test did not provide standards for high levels of fitness, but rather established a minimum level for fitness based on health-related criteria.